This criticism comes from the idea that the child's ability to interact with others is hampered, if not disabled when he / she is absent from a regular classroom setting. A related problem (and rather alarmist) is that the child can grow up to have an anti-social behavior that could endanger the community.
Unfortunately, when people throw around terms such as "socialization," without understanding what is meant by a lot of truth can be misunderstood, and then get people to think about things that are not necessarily true .
Socialization is the process of introducing a member of society, not yet started the norms and customs of the society is to be a party. For example, if you were going to a foreign country with a culture other than their own and if you want to succeed you need to be socialized and taught how to behave in this society.
In this case, your child is a young member of society is greater than you, as parents, are already members. And "your responsibility as the first and immediate contact with the child's world, to enable him / her learn to behave properly.
In this perspective, consider the type of "socialization" that takes place in a traditional school setting. Children are grouped by age and are locked in a room for 6-7 hours. Time spent outside of class is usually only an hour. The type of contact they have with adults is limited to the type of teachers who surround them. More often than not, the performance was driven by trying to follow or exceed the boy or another team.
Of course, the image is over very solid. But again, you should also ask if this description truly reflect the business side? Believes that the right environment to teach the child to function as a member of society?
Conversely, because the school environment. Children are in constant interaction with outsiders and their age. They have more freedom to go out and explore. Their performance is based on the discovery of their abilities and achieve their personal best.
These factors, among others, were cited studies saying that, on average, school children at home not only the best (if not better), children enrolled in the traditional manner, but they also show a greater tendency and ease of concern not only the children of their age, but for adults and young children as well.
This should be sufficient to allay concerns about children are not able to function normally in society. But there are other reasons to support the assertion that home-schooled children are not disadvantaged in relation to social interactions are concerned.
In fact, school children at home are more likely to learn just like they have more time and opportunity to interact with people around them. This is particularly true for the time between a child and parents.
E 'was observed that children who attend programs, home-school are better able to relate to adults, not only with respect to them, but also to show a greater capacity to engage in meaningful relationships with non-peers. The same can be said for the ability to relate to these children who are younger than them, showing a more responsible attitude.
Another benefit is that home-schooled children have more free time to devote to music, art or sports or just to enjoy activities such as reading, doing crafts or playing simple . These activities are not motivated by the "fat" a program, a traditional school environment may cause some students to do.
In light of these facts, the concern of a parent for the socialization of their children may in part be laid to rest. But as with anything, the success of a method based on the person and his attitude is in accordance with a plan.
The home schooling is far from a solution of fix-it-all, infallible. social skills may be impeded in a school environment at home if the guardian fails to give the child the opportunity to learn how to behave with others.
These opportunities should not be complex. Simply allowing the child to be with other children and adults will be sufficient. On the other hand, is much more necessary supervision by the tutor, is to educate and protect children.
Be capable of relating to others is one of the skills most beautiful and desirable, but what is often neglected in educational systems. Make sure your child has reached this important capability and is developing at an early stage his team much better than any other high school can, regardless of the type of school it is.
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